

Category: Distinctions for diploma theses.

“Air quality impact assessment of Industrial Plant of Thermic Waste Processing Technology in Kracow using mathematical dispersion model CALPUFF.”

Poland, Krakow, November 6, 2014
Press releases

AGH DIAMMENTS - 15th edition

Winner of the 3rd place in the 15th edition of the competition for the best diploma thesis “DIAMENTS AGH”, organized by the AGH Student Scientific Society.

“Air quality impact assessment of Industrial Plant of Thermic Waste Processing Technology in Kracow using mathematical dispersion model CALPUFF.”

Poland, Krakow, March 31, 2014
Press releases

Sapere Auso Foundation

1st prize in the competition for the best master’s theses in the field of ecological education and environmental protection, organized by the SAPERE AUSO Foundation.

“Air quality impact assessment of Industrial Plant of Thermic Waste Processing Technology in Kracow using mathematical dispersion model CALPUFF.”

Poland, Krakow, December 9, 2013
Press releases

AGH Rector’s Award

Team 3nd degree Rector’s Award for educational achievements

AGH University of Krakow | 2022

Individual 1st degree Rector’s Award for scientific achievements

AGH University of Krakow | 2021

Individual 3nd degree Rector’s Award for scientific achievements

AGH University of Krakow | 2020

Individual 3nd degree Rector’s Award for scientific achievements

AGH University of Krakow | 2019

Team 3nd degree Rector’s Award for organizational achievements

AGH University of Krakow | 2019

Team 1st degree Rector’s Award for educational achievements

AGH University of Krakow | 2019


Basic, pro-quality and scientific scholarship for PhD students awarded annually
AGH University of Krakow | 10/2013 - 10/2018

Scholarship for the best environmental engineering students awarded annually
Human Capital Operational Program from ESF | 2012 - 2013

Scholarship for the best environmental engineering students awarded annually
AGH University of Krakow | 2008 - 2013