Scientific Projects

National Center for Research and Development

Team member

Energy Transformation Observatory as an instrument to support the socio-economic development of Poland - OTE

Financing: National Center for Research and Development - NCBR

Realization: 2023 - 2025


Grant no. GOSPOSTRATEG9/000D/2022

Team member

Development of distributed energy in energy clusters - KlastER

Financing: National Center for Research and Development - NCBR

Realization: 2019 - 2022


Grant no. Gospostrateg1/385085/21/NCBR/19

Excellence Initiative – Research University


Habilitation set: Parameterization and accuracy evaluation of selected modeling systems and applied machine learning methods at local and micro scales to support an air quality management system

Financing: AGH University - Excellence Initiative – Research University | Ministry of Science and Higher Education Republic of Poland

Realization: 2024 - 2025

Grant application no. 8864 | Operation: D2

Team member

Analysis of the fractional and elemental composition of dusts in an urban agglomeration and suburban areas along roads - mobile, stationary and model studies

Financing: AGH University - Excellence Initiative – Research University | Ministry of Science and Higher Education Republic of Poland

Realization: 2020 - 2022

Interdepartmental team “AGH for environment:”

  • Ewa Adamiec, prof (leader)
  • Elżbieta Jarosz-Krzemińska, PhD
  • Jakub Bartyze, PhD
  • Mateusz Rzeszutek, PhD
  • Janusz Zyśk, PhD
  • Tomasz Pełech-Pilichowski, PhD
  • Ada Brzoza-Zajęcka, PhD

Grant application no. 67

Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Principal Investigator

Assessment of the possibility of improving the prognostic effectiveness of the OSPM model by taking into account secondary dust emissions from roads

Financing: AGH University | Ministry of Science and Higher Education Republic of Poland

Realization: 2017

Grant no.

Principal Investigator

Assessment of the implementation of the OSPM model in the air quality management system in Krakow

Financing: AGH University | Ministry of Science and Higher Education Republic of Poland

Realization: 2016

Grant no.

Principal Investigator

Modeling of pollutants in the atmospheric air

Financing: AGH University | Ministry of Science and Higher Education Republic of Poland

Realization: 2014

Grant no.