Courses dedicated

Remote Repositories and Version Control Systems in Machine Learning Projects | (60h)

Operation D14 (IDUB) - funding of courses for the best AGH students.

Financing: AGH University - Excellence Initiative – Research University | Ministry of Science and Higher Education Republic of Poland

Course program

Realization: 2023 - 2025

Grant application no. 7434

“Leader”, “Excellence Initiative – Research University”, “2022 - 2025”, “Development and preparation of a course for the most talented students entitled: Remote Repositories and Version Control Systems in Machine Learning projects. Grant application no. 7434”,

Modeling of pollutant dispersion using the AERMET/AERMOD model | 30h

The training was conducted for employees Institute of Precise Mechanics

Financing: other

Realization: 2019

Teaching and training

I teach classes in 4 fields of study, i.e.:

Currently, I am conducting classes with:

  • Scripting data analysis | Geospatial Computer Science | 60h
  • Time Series | Geospatial Computer Science | 45h
  • Data Mining | Engineering and Management of Industrial Processes | 30h
  • Air Protection Engineering | Environmental Engineering and Monitoring | 26h
  • Environmental monitoring | Environmental Engineering and Monitoring | 4h

Geospatial Informatics

  • Scripting data analysis (P)
  • Time Series (P)
  • Remote Repositories and Version Control Systems (F)
  • Creating Functionality of Scripting Languages (F)
  • Applications of Copernicus Program Data (F)
  • Air Quality Modeling (F)

Engineering and Management of Industrial Processes

  • Data mining (S)

Environmental Engineering and Monitoring:

  • Air Protection Engineering (P)
  • Information Technology (P)
  • Automation of data processing and visualization (P)
  • Environmental Monitoring (P)
  • Atmospheric physics with meteorology and climatology (P)
  • GIS in Environmental Engineering (P)
  • Extraordinary Environmental Hazards (F)
  • R package in environmental data analysis (F)
  • Machine learning in air protection (F)
  • Shaping the Areosanitary Condition and Acoustic Climate (S)
  • Municipal Energy and Energy Auditing (S)
  • Emission Control and Air Quality Assessment (S)
  • Low-Carbon Mobility (S)
  • Air Quality Management (S)
  • Atmospheric Protection Systems and Techniques (S)
  • Waste Gas Treatment and Monitoring (S)
  • Information and Environmental Management (S)


  • Scripting data analysis (P)
  • Fundamentals of Earth Sciences (P)
  • Environmental data processing (P)
  • Methods of environmental research and analysis (P)
  • Emission inventory and estimation methods (F)
  • Introduction to air pollution dispersion modeling (F)

Other didactic

  • Dissertation Co-Advisor, Doctoral Dissertation: “Modeling of biogenic volatile organic compounds emissions from forest areas in Poland” | Adriana Kosowska | AGH University of Krakow | 2017 - 2022

  • Supervisor of students of Environmental Engineering and Geoinformation | 2017 - present

  • Supervisor of the students’ science club KNIOP | 2016 - 2019

  • Member of two committees for the creation of a new study program “Geoinformation” | 2018 - 2020

  • Member of two committees for the creation of a new study program “Geospatial Computer Science” | 2022 - 2023

  • Supervisor of the Environmental Information Modeling specialization in the field of Geoinformation | 2021-preset